
I learnt "naturalgoatmanship" from Parelli Natural Horsemanship but for multiple reasons (including the fact that people often have averse reactions to the name and that I don't like how corporate they have become) I have tried to distance my communication on this blog from various "parelli-isms."Please don't get me wrong. Parelli has done great things for me but I thought it might be better to not use their language.
However, I have found that it is really hard for me to communicate if my readers don't have a basic shared vocabulary. I guess I'm just used to speaking that language and am less fluent without its terms so here is a basic glossary which I hope will help you translate my blogs.

  • Pressure ~ any stimulus, direct or indirect, which is used to cause a goat to yield. Comes in phases
  • Friendly Game ~ desensitization, and trust building. Often involves rhythm.
  • Porcupine Game ~ steady pressure. Often used when in close proximity to animal. e.g. biting.
  • Driving Game ~ rhythmic pressure. Often used when the goat is farther away. 
  • LBE, LBI, RBE, RBI ~ the four "goat/horseanalities" see this page on the Parelli site for more and scroll to the bottom and download the pdf to find your goat's "anality." If there is interest I will do a blog on the subject sometime in the future.
Please let me know if I should add a term or if you have any other thoughts.